Author | Николай Василев |
Title | Грамота за участие |
Subtitle data | Шести международен фестивал на музикалния филм " Николай Гяуров" |
Physical carrier | |
Place of issue | Велинград |
Publisher Name | Шести международен фестивал на музикалния филм " Николай Гяуров" |
Year of issue | 2016 г. |
Stock letter | |
Systematic-alphabetical signature | 431ЗКК |
Temporary collective author | |
Venue of the event | Велинград |
Date of conference, seminar, etc. | |
Form of digitalization | Scan |
Note |
“The publications on the site reflect only the opinion of the authors and the Program Operator of the Program “Cultural Entrepreneurship, Heritage and Cooperation” is not responsible for the content of the information.”